Strawberry tart with zabaglione

Krishna wanted strawberry tart. What Krishna wants, Krishna gets……

  • 1 Sheet puff pastry
  • egg wash, 1 tablespoon sugar
  • Zabaglione cream
  • 2 baskets sliced strawberries
  • powdered sugar

  1. Freezer staples shoud always have puff pastry for pizza or last minute baking needs such as these. So defrost puff pastry sheet and roll it out a bit. No need to be exact. Place on silpat liner, or parchment paper. Score a 1 inch border all around. Prick in the center. Brush egg wash on the border and sprinkle border with sugar. Bake in preheated 400 degree oven for 20 minutes or until the pastry is browned and cooked. Let cool. Spread the zabaglione over the pastry, but not over the border, lay strawberries decoratively over the top. Done.

Photo and Food Styling by Mimi Newman