Burning sage is an ancient practice used to help clear negative energy. The Miami restaurant ran so many years behind schedule, that we actually held a sage burning ceremony in the space. It did not succeed, the restaurant remainined closed another year……..but what does work is baked crispy sage in your food.
Some even say that sage has antibacterial antioxidant and ani inflammatory qualities but I will leave that to the expert to argue about, there is nothing to argue about the deliciousness of crispy sage. So burn that sage. Burn baby sage potatoes burn. Sage also grows very well in california gardens, so if you live here and got a patch of dirt or a pot with dirt, plant that sage, plant the sage. 
  • baby fingerling potatoes
  • fresh sage
  • olive oil
  • salt 
  1. Cook fingerling potatoes in salted water until just cooked through.
  2. Drain and dry, then gently smash, but keep potatoes whole.
  3. You are just trying to break the skin, not turn it into a mash. Now bake them.
  4. To bake: toss with sage leaves, and place on an oiled sheet pan, and drizzle with additional oil, then bake in a 400 degree pre heated oven, turning once, until brown and crispy. Drain on paper towels and sprinkle generously with salt.
Photo and Food Styling by Mimi Newman