
From Malibu Farm's Helene Henderson


I started teaching cooking classes out of my backyard in the summer of 2008. At first it was just a few of my friends, some local moms. The classes were just for fun and I had no recipes! Alas, the participants wanted the recipes, and that is how the MALIBU FARM JOURNEY began, with a […]


Wow i wrote this book so long ago, in the spring of 2003. It was my first book, before we moved to Malibu, before the backyard classes, before the journey, the idea, of Malibu Farm was sprouted. I was pregnant with my third child, which made me nostalgic of my childhood in Sweden. On a […]


Say what? OLD IS NEW? The ORIGINAL blog is back. The one I started 12 years ago. The seed that sprouted the Malibu Farm journey. I was working as a private chef at the time and started teaching cooking classes out of my back yard just for fun. In the beginning my classes did not […]

FRONT LINE RECIPES cooking for health heroes

I woke up one morning and everything had changed. I had seven restaurants and then there were none. All closed from one day to the next; New York, Montecito, Lanai, Cabo, Miami, Malibu, Lido. all our doors were shut, and no reopen date was in sigth. Japan was set to open on March 26, but […]

green goddess pasta salad

When everyone was doing toilet paper runs, I was running for pasta. Why? Well my youngest son, Cutie as I call him…..although he is now taller than me and he thinks his nickname is not so cute any more. Anyway, Cutie, has been a vegeterian almost vegan since he was four years old, because he […]

soy joy noodles

Oodles of noodles the whole kit and caboodle – and just everynow and then, if you can believe it, we will not use lemon!! i know, you wonder, am I ok? The answer of course, is…hmmm…not really but yes, the pandemic has us all scrambling for normality and as a restaurant we are climbing the […]


Sage is often an under utlized herb. Grows like a weed, critters don’t eat in from your yard unlike parsley which rodents love. So add some sage to both your garden and your cooking routine. Although “fry” isn’t  word I use often but…”fried” sage is crispy and delicous and a great garnish on many things. […]


My youngest wasand is  a mango maniac. All he really wanted was mango. For christmas, for his birthday, for a reward, mango mango mango, I almost called this salad mango madness, because of his mango obsession.    Ingredients 1 ripe and juice mango 1 ripe and yummie avocado 1 cup cherry tomatoes 1/4 red onion […]

PESTO CHICKEN with the broccoli pesto and farro goods

Another day and the pier remains closed, today is MEMORIAL DAY MONDAY, a day we would be busy and bustling, but we are completely shut down. We have a street PCH (pacific coast highway) stand but no parking and pier gates are shut and sales are dismal. Everyday is a struggle to stay in business […]