BROWN RICE with hazelnuts and dried cherries

Brown rice, so nutty, so crunchy, so complex, sooooo what is the problem? Why do you keep choosing white over brown, when it is more nutritious, and more delicious? Don’t be afraid, be brave, and hey for beginners mix 50% white with 50% brown, and if that feels a bit toooo dangerous, do 90% white and 10% brown, just let the journey begin. Explore all the rices, black, wild, red, green, and mix to find your perfect match. No need to be monagmous you can flirt, and have as many rice affairs as your heart desires. 
  • 2 cups brown rice, cooked according to package instructions 
  • 1 cup wild rice, cooked according to package instructions 
  • 1 tablespoon butter and hazelnut, other nut or olive oil
  • 1 small leek or green onions, sliced thin
  • 1 clove garlic, grated
  • asparagus, thin, or green beans, cooked (optional)
  • zest and juice from one lemon or lime
  • 1/4 cup coarsely chopped hazelnuts (or any nut of choice) 
  • 1/4 cup dried cherries
  • chopped fresh herbs, parsley, dill, basil, chives
  • optional: fresh cherries for garnish
  1. Alright, let’s melt some olive and hazelnut oil and we will saute the leek and the garlic for a few minutes. Once opaque, stir in the rice, and saute until heated and slightly crispy. Season with salt and pepper, add the lemon (or lime) juice and zest and stir in the asparagus (if using), dried cherries, and chopped hazelnuts.
  2. If for some reason you also have fresh cherries on your hand, toss some of those in too, along with chopped herbs, such as parsley.

Photo and Food Styling by Mimi Newman