I started teaching cooking classes out of my backyard in the summer of 2008. At first it was just a few of my friends, some local moms. The classes were just for fun and I had no recipes! Alas, the participants wanted the recipes, and that is how the MALIBU FARM JOURNEY began, with a simple recipe blog. The recipes from the classes are available under “what is old is new again” 

the FARM RULES, random ramblings, thoughts and ideas are posted here – all in their original simplicity posted from 2008 – 2014. 

Some thing have changed, but much makes me chuckle…….although most of this was published 12 years ago, before the first restaurant, before I knew what was up ahead…..I truly am an old dog/ mature cat, who is has changed very little. The world has changed, but me……I still think the same way.  

Photography credit: MartinLof©2016

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