This week we were giong all over the place, hospitals, charities, and families. Lost track of days and times, although time basically stands still, it moves in starts and spurts, busy yet nothing to do, stressed but nothing to do. Worried about the future, but trying to focus on the here and now. We made steak sandwiches, and we made a chicken greek style (or squash it) wraps, and we made lots of salads this week. We cooked for  GOOD EATS CHARITY for the first time, they service hungry elementary school children on weekends as well as hospital COVID 19 units. 
serves 4
4 whole wheat, regular or spinach tortillas
2 chicken breast, cooked, and chopped
3 cups romain lettuce, chopped 
1/4 kalamata olives, pitted chopped
1/2 cup tomatoes, chopped
1/4 cup cucumbers choppped
3 tablespoons olive oil
3 tablespoons lemon juice 
1/4 cup feta cheese, crumbled (optional)
1/4 cup garbanzo beans
vegetarain option: sub cooked butternut squash seasoned with agave and lemon for the chicken 
We served the wrap with a salad made of: 
quinoa salad, kale, raw shredded carrots, raw shaved cauliflower, lemon dressing