Two vegetables are better than one. I often make roasted beets with green beans.

Sometimes with just lemon or red wine vinaigrette, somethims with creamy.

Always an awesome duo.

But right now, the local green beans aren’t really readily locally available….but the sugar snaps are all over the yard.

USE what you got.

Basic roasted beets: cut off the tops of your beets, place in an oven proof container, drizzle with oil (any kind) sprinkle with salt, and put a few drops of water in the bottom of the pan. Cover tightly and bake for about 1 hr until just soft when pierced. An undercooked beet is better than an over cooked beet. Peel. Cut beets into wedges, or if you are feeling slices, then SLICE IT!, It is your dish.  Drizzle with oil, kosher salt, red wine vinegar and lemon juice.

FINISH: the dish by either adding whole quick blanched sugar snaps, sliced or julienne sliced sugar snaps.

Feeling the addition of herbs? Seeds, nuts, quinoa, farro, lentils, black rice? I say YES Go for it! Wait, did you say cheese? BLUE, BRIE, GOAT, hmmmmm, heck yes. 

Photo and Food Styling by Mimi Newman