Sweet summer, sweet corn, sweet times, when this recipe was posted on the blog in 2007,  I have no idea what is up ahead. I am in the back yard dreaming, cooking, teaching classes, raising kids. My mother is soon to pass away, and I will be alone like I have never been before. I will open a pop up cafe which will become widly popular which will spawn several locations. We will survive a lot of drama, fire on the pier, and fire in our community (woolsey fires 2018), hurricanes (Marie) and the winter of 2019 will bring more rain than in 144 years, and then in 2020 there will be the corona virus pandemic changing the landscape, the world and the restaurant community in ways we don’t yet understand or can even begin to grasp. But here back in 2007, when I wrote this recipe, I am skipping barefoot in my garden after 15 years of saving we have finally fulfilled my husbands life long dream of moving to Malibu. I am growing my own food, my youngest son can walk to school, the world is full of possiblities and hope.
A simple dish like corn cheese and tortilla always remind me of those magic days, there is nothing more satifsying than meals that remind you of the past. Add a great salsa of your choice: tomtao, or strawberry, peach tossed with arugula and black beans makes for summer magic indeed. 
Serves 4 
  • 4 Whole wheat tortillas
  • 3 cups shredded mexican cheese blend
  • 1 cup ricotta cheese
  • 2 cup fresh corn, lightly blanched or sauteed
  • chopped fresh herbs, cilantro, parsley, or spinach (optional) 
  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • In each tortilla, add cheese, ricotta and fresh corn. Fold over to close.
  1. Heat a large skillet, add 1/2 table spoon butter and olive oil, and saute the tortillas, two at a time on each side until golden brown and crispy. Place on towels to drain of oil. Carry on with additional butter, oil and quesadillas. Alternatively quesadillas can be first placed in the oven to melt the cheese, and then thrown on the grill, for cool grill marks and a crispy exterior. I like to melt the cheese in the oven first, as this prevents half the cheese from spilling into the bbq and making a giant mess. Quesadillas can be filled and kept in the freezer for a fast dinner that is a breezer for kids and adults alike. 

Photo and Food Styling by Mimi Newman