TACO ABOUT IT – impossible – SALAD

So impossible foods gave a very generous donation to off their plate to provide meals for the health care workers, and we made taco salad but also conversation to taco about.

What is the future of food?

Is it sustainable to believe that a growing world population with less clean water, less clean soil, and hotter temperatures that continue to rise across the globe, can continue to consume animal products?

Even if some, or many of us, continue to consume animals,  there is room for many  paths forward. What about hydroponic farms vs traditional farming? We may need to embrace all options and food as we know it may change significantly in upcoming years – especially regaring the consumtion of animals.

Serves 4

1 pound impossible burger meat
2 tablespoons cooking oil, any
1 cup fresh chopped herbs
4 cups romain lettuce
1/2 cup cooked black beans (canned or home made)
1 cup cooked brown rice
1/2 cup shredded raw carrot
1/2 cup shredded raw zucchini
1/2 cup shredded cheese – your favorite
1/2 cup lemon juice
1/4 cup olive oil
2 cups tortilla chips or strips
Salsa (your favorite brand)
Guacemole or broccoliomole from the Malibu Farm cookbook

Crumble your impossible meat and sautee in a large skillet over high heat with two ablespoons oil, stirring occasionally, about 5 minutes or until browned and crispy. Season to taste with salt if desired, impossible is fairly salty on it’s own so taste and decide. Toss 1/4 of the herbs with the cooked “meat”. Combine the rest of the ingredeints and serve with salsa and quacamole.

Categories: Frontline Recipes | Comments

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