Tag Archive for: malibu farm

green goddess pasta salad

When everyone was doing toilet paper runs, I was running for pasta. Why? Well my youngest son, Cutie as I call him…..although he is now taller than me and he thinks his nickname is not so cute any more. Anyway, Cutie, has been a vegeterian almost vegan since he was four years old, because he […]

soy joy noodles

Oodles of noodles the whole kit and caboodle – and just everynow and then, if you can believe it, we will not use lemon!! i know, you wonder, am I ok? The answer of course, is…hmmm…not really but yes, the pandemic has us all scrambling for normality and as a restaurant we are climbing the […]

Strawberry tart with zabaglione

Krishna wanted strawberry tart. What Krishna wants, Krishna gets…… Ingredients 1 Sheet puff pastry egg wash, 1 tablespoon sugar Zabaglione cream 2 baskets sliced strawberries powdered sugar   Instructions Freezer staples shoud always have puff pastry for pizza or last minute baking needs such as these. So defrost puff pastry sheet and roll it out […]


My all time favorite holiday, is the Swedish Santa Lucia celebration. If you are not familiar with the holiday, please refer to your copy of “The Swedish Table”. I was first thinking we would make Santa Lucia buns (for recipe please again refer to your copy of the Swedish table) which is this wonderfully fragrant […]


This week we were giong all over the place, hospitals, charities, and families. Lost track of days and times, although time basically stands still, it moves in starts and spurts, busy yet nothing to do, stressed but nothing to do. Worried about the future, but trying to focus on the here and now. We made […]