Say what? OLD IS NEW?

The ORIGINAL blog is back. The one I started 12 years ago. The seed that sprouted the Malibu Farm journey. I was working as a private chef at the time and started teaching cooking classes out of my back yard just for fun. In the beginning my classes did not have any recipes…….and hmmmm…..the class participants complained…..someone suggested I start a blog to post the recipes after the cooking classes and so I did. 

I wondered and pondered what would the name of my blog be? Hmmmm, well I lived in Malibu I thought, I have chickens, goats, and a pig, vegetable gardens, fruit trees and a mini vineyard….perhaps Malibu Farm?

The name was available on word press and so my cooking blog was started and the Malibu Farm journey began. I did not have a clue at the time that restaurants would follow. I  was simply cooking with friends in my backyard and it was a magical time of creativity and freedom.

After I opened the restaurants I did not have any time to work on the blog or add more recipes,  and so the blog was taken off the website. The COVID-19 pandemic, shut down every single one of our restaurants, and the only thing I had was time.

And so the BLOG is BACK!!! 

Categories: What Was Old Is New Again | Comments

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